Thursday, July 8, 2010

Filming Venice, @bidforvenice, and Web Series Interactivtiy

I like the interactive element that can be built into a web series.  There are different kinds of interactivity, and with Venice interactions between producers and fans tend to focus on people & personalities.  Some of the online social networking facilities and web sites are ideal for this.

The second season of Venice is being filmed at Venice Beach, California this week, with people involved providing a steady stream of tweets and tweetphotos,

 plus the official blog 

and vlogs posted during the days of filming.

It's so cool that bidforvenice scored a part in the show & is tweeting and reporting from the set.  "bidforvenice" is Anita Crisinel, an expat kiwi actor, now based in London.

During the first season, she started pitching for a part in Venice on the VComm forum on the official Venice website and on her own website, as well as making good use of Twitter and youtube videos.

Like many of the Venice cast and producers, she has a lively and fun kind of personality that thrives on these social networking platforms. 

Interesting also to see that Anita did her apprenticeship with an appearance on Shortland Street,  short films and various parts in plays in Auckland theatres.

Looking forward to see what her part is like in the show.